Questions? 061-452156, 061-456214

Our Aim & Curricular Activities

                                                                                                              OUR AIM AND CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES   


  The nursery School programmer is designed to encourage a balance of child initiated and the teacher-facilitated activities that offer the child a variety of choices provided within a carefully prepared indoor and out door environment in which they learn different skills there are seven areas of learning in the nursery curriculums

  • Language Development
  • The arts,drawings
  • Early Mathmatical Experience
  • The World Around us
  • Physical Development and Movement
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Nursery Rhymes and Songs etc.

The Staff in the Nursery unit understands the significance of play as wel as the major and fundamental mode of young kids learning ,the teachers bestow a number of opportunities as far as possible to encorage the most advantageous learning prospective of each kid.

Unit test ,Class Tests ,Day hostel and hostel Tests ,Term Exams are Conducted
Marks and ranks are provide in Grading system along with the colored card given to student as per their achievements.